Saturday, 22 May 2010

Week Six of my project

The image above is a page within my sketchbook showing the progress of my project, in the last week i have looked at where i could place the models by drawing onto photographs with permanent marker, as this will help me figure out the scale, locations and the possible number of models required for each location, and thus letting me prepare by asking around for models and thinking about appropriate times.
next week if all goes well i will have my finished photographs, and then i will start looking at the possible ideas for the paintings.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Week Five of my project

The image above is an example of the sketchbook work i have completed over the past week,
I have been drawing my models to look at the shapes, lines and forms within the models fabric and the idea of paintings them whole, however i do feel it may be better to paint close ups of sections rather than the whole model. therefore over the next couple of weeks i may look at close ups of areas.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Week Four of my project

Over the weekend and the week i went out on many locations taking photographs of possible sites for photo shoots or even places i could superimpose models. For some of the locations i just used a normal digital camera and placed the shutter speed and settings onto auto as i found this to effect the outcome in a way which would be easy to mess around with on photoshop.
I went to locations such as Macclesfield forrest, Alderly edge, Teggs Nose and West park.
Next week i will be planning in my sketchbook which locations would be most suitable for photo shoots and superimposing models.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Week Three of my project

Over the weekend i went out on location shoots, with two models and took a range of photographs. I travelled to Alderly Edge and Teggs Nose, both located around Macclesfield. Whilst walking around Alderly Edge and Teggs Nose i spotted some locations for some photographs and possibly some paintings, therefore i took Photographs and carried out some sketches.
The above Photograph was taken at Alderly Edge, using a LSR Digital Camara. However I wanted the photograph to have a old, aged burnt edge effect, creating an atmospheric and dramatic sense to the photograph, also i wanted to make the model stand out more.

I beleive this image to be very pleasing to the eye because it has perfect rule of thirds, as the horizon is third was up the image, and the focal point of the image is located to the left of the middle. To create this i layered an image of aged paper underneath the original image and changed the layer settings to multiple as this shows the image below. Once this was complete i changed the levels to make the image more dramatic.

Next i will be carrying out some more work on the other photographs, and carring out some more photoshoots on location and in the studio.