Sunday, 25 April 2010

Week Two of my project

On Friday the 16Th of April, I took two models into the studio and took some test shots of them wrapped up in cotton fabric, however when i looked more closely at the photographs on the apple mac screen, i soon came to realise that they are showing what i wanted the viewer to see.
I wanted the viewer to be able to see the features of the model, but without giving away who it is.

To enhance the features i decided to use Photo shop, changing the mode to "grey scale" and playing around with the "level". In addition due to the backdrop being dirty i had to use the heal tool to get rid of he dirty marks.

However i will be doing another photo shoot, as i need to use many different models to gain a variety of shapes and sizes. In addition i will be going out on locations and taking photographs and maybe take a couple of models up to the locations as well.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Week one of my project

This week i have produced a sculture based on the work by Christo Jaracheff of a wrapped bottle, using a cotton fabric and string. However due to the fabric being blue i painted it using acrylic paint to make the fabric harder and to retain the shape. However this is very much copying the "wrapped bottle" 1958, by Chirsto Jaracheff. Thus next week i will try different materials such as newspaper, tin foil and different fabrics such as canvas, cotton and silk. In the mean time i will be wrapping people up in cotton and taking photographs of them in the studio.